Georg Agnete Weblog

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kanye Sees Where Songs Double Entendres

A statement issued by the usoc - which last month named phelps its sportsman of the year for 2008 following his eight gold medal haul in last summer beijing olympics - acknowledged the swimmer apology and statement of remorse. Kanye sees where the songs double entendres are going and begins furiously blending advertising slogans, brand names, and old raps into a ambivalent come-on that takes an entire stanza. It lacks the grief and resilience that fuelled his post-9 11 album. The ifpi digital music report which is published annually insists that the music industry shrank in the last year and chairman john kennedy mentions the illegal download market impact although his source for the 95% statistic is not made clear. The damage in warnes case was limited because his image was already less than saintly.


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